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MBS 099

4 JUN 2012 - 05 JULAI 2012

alhamdulillah, we're finally graduate ! goodbye MBS 099, yes, the momenteous, i'll miss you that much :')
studying, struggling, socializing, cycling, basketball-thing, tenis-thing, everything are finished within only five week. five week is not enough doing everything peoples, it is not enough. we want more ! hahahaha, ohkay tipu yang itu -_-'


- Study a basic knowledge of Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry which related to the blood pressure, excersice, nutrition and liver function topics for each week.
- Use of the medical library. (you can borrow as much book as you want)
- Use of the Clinical Skills Lab. (how to use spygmomanometer, stetostcope etc etc )
- Use of the Communication Skills Lab. (how to communicate well with patient)
- Use of the Computer Lab. (use computer to study anatomy, biochemistry and physiology)
- Use of the Multi Purpose Lab. (Physiology Practical)
- Use of the Medical Museum. (we can see many illness like brain tumor, uterus tumor. etc etc )
- PPD programme. (lecture about How the be an Excellent Achiver, Life as a medical student and doctor, time management, stress management, etc etc)
- VECE (Very Early Clinical Exposure) programme. (visit Sg. Buloh Hospital, Selayang Hospital, etc etc)
- SGS (dicsuss about SGS question for each subject)
- examination at week five ( OSPE, MCQ, SAQ ) - its fun ! like seriuosly. do enjoy yourself and no stress ! :D

Lets Photoshoot :D

the members, :D
i will miss you friends ><
VECE Group 8, at Sg.Buloh Hospital :)

SGS Group, we enjoy ourselves :)
Anatomy Lab ><

cycling :)

Last class ><
Farewell party kononya :p
Group 8, our last day :/
Group 8 semoga berjumpa lagi ye.

munir memang suka posing maut macam itu, hehe

#Special thanks to our caring coordinators, DR. Rosfaiizah Hj. Siran. Our beloved and the most handsome and pretty lecture, our supportive lab assistant, our loyalty bus driver and lastly, to ourselves, who had  success graduate from MBS programme 2012 ><

165 members of the floor.

Dear 165 members of the flloor,
even not everyone i know the name, 
but insyaAllah. every single of you will always remain in my heart and my dua' :)
remember, whenever or whatever we got for the course during the degree programme, we need to ' redha' and need to keep in touch, ohkay ? 
till we meet again for the next two months dear peoples, may ALLAH ease. insyaAllah :)
ukhuwah fillah, abadan abada.

photographer : Hajar Saufi, Shahrul Haziq
semoga berjumpa lagi syamira, hazimah, aminah dan syafiqah.


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